When the weather finally clears, and the snow banks have all melted, commercial parking areas and local streets will go through a rigorous cleanup to remove all winter debris. Catch basins will also need to be inspected, cleaned, repaired, and filters replaced (if you have them). A proper functioning drainage system is just as important as a clean parking lot as it ensures that runoff doesn’t contaminate or pollute local water ways and helps keep parking lots and city streets free and clear from flooding. Safety and functionality are the main concern here and the goal is to have a commercial property that is safe for all employers, employees, and pedestrians to use during all months of the year, especially when seasons change. However, cleaning up all the debris on each property while spring rainfall relocates what’s left behind from winter, are the challenging obstacles. Parking lots can be swept in light precipitation, but rain showers can hinder our methods. The same goes for catch basin cleaning which is paramount. Three D specializes in staying ahead and ultimately on top of what’s involved to get the job done in order to help provide a smooth operating commercial property for all to use with little to no liabilities. Our spring schedule books fast so please call Three D today with any last minute questions or concerns and become a part of the growing Three D client list today!