If you’re a commercial property owner and time has not cooperated with you this season and you have parking lot repairs you still need done, then don’t wait a second longer. With temperatures still in the range of being able to perform pavement maintenance and sidewalk and curb repair, the time is perfect to get the last minute repairs that have been on your to do list completed. The unseasonably warm weather is sure to only last a few weeks longer before the real cold comes rushing in. We can perform any last minute repairs to cracks and potholes as well as, keeping drainage free from debris and drain any standing water, add sealcoating, re-stripe, and do any other asphalt, curb, or walkway repairs needed to get you through the winter months safely. A well-kept parking lot lets customers and residents know you take pride in your business. It also shows that you care about guests’ safety. Routine maintenance will go a long way in preserving the aesthetic, safety, and life of your parking lot. For additional maintenance tips or to schedule any asphalt repairs, contact Three D today!